"a nothing special ordinary kind of girl"

last night we were at market market to meet with one of dad's office mate to get his pasalubong, we were standing near the fountain at the front of the entrance.it was on full blast and doing a little fountain dance. i just adore fountains like the one at market market. its not your run of the mill fountain where there's a pool of water with water spouting out. this one is designed so that the water shoots up from the ground and you could walk in between the water. there were a lot of kids running in between the little columns of water, and running to the center just before the big column of water blew out. it was so.....mesmerizing....if that's the right word. the kids were squealing out of delight as they touched the water, ran through the fountain, and as the water shot upwards. at my age i couldn't exactly go over and join them,so there i was standing to the side, and all i could do was take pictures.

i got my mp3 player today....many thanks pops!hehehe!it's not an ipod or anything fancy shmancy like that, but i still love it ;o)
it's so small and light and fits right in the palm of my hand
....and since we're on to material things.....
why is it that the wants of people never cease to end? people could have everything they could every need in their life,but still long for something.is it just human nature? obviously it's a way of showing how successful you are financialy....you have all your basic needs covered and have more than enough money to indulge in luxury items.oops!wait....i think i kinda anwered my own question.....hehehe
.....moving on....
due to some fluke with our cable company, we now have that channel that gives the live feed from the PBB house. according to my fanatic of a family that channel is something you have to pay extra for, so they were so excited when aien discovered the channel, and haven't stopped watching since.if you know me, you'll understand that this show irritates me to no end.i don't see the point of it.and i don't think i ever will. so no use in trying to convince me otherwise. ugh! this is like meteor garden all over again!
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