contingency plan
Plan A
Fly off to NZ.Get a job. Enroll at AUT for Events Management . Get a job in events. Move into my own apartment. Live and be happy.
Time line: no idea.all depends on when we do get out of here.
Stress factor: hmmm.....job + school=moderate amount of stress for only a year if I go full time study.Probably less if I opt for the part-time, which will take me 4 years to complete the course.
Plan B
Stay here. Find a job. Get my Master's degree at MC(or I could try UP also. I found out today they also offer MA-IS). Get a Bachelor's degree in European Languages at UP. (eek! is there any way i can do it all at one go,with out killing myself in the process?) Study for the Foreign Service Officer exams. Take the FSO exams. Become an FSO. Go on to work for the DFA. Move into my own place. Live and be happy.
Time line: let's see....MA at MC takes 2 1/2 years if I take 9 units each sem. Let's say the BA in Euro Lang takes me another 4 years to complete.So that's already 6 1/2 years. The FSO review takes 2 months. The exams take approximately a year. That's a grand total of 7 years and 8 months.
Stress factor: i'm predicting the pull "out-my-hair" type of stress.sleepless nights. a ton of paper work. and i kiss my social life goodbye.
hmmm.....decisions....decisions.....what to do?
**********I just watched little manhattan yesterday.It's such a cute story!************
whatever makes you happy girlaloo.... i'm giving you my full suport.. :D you're into events din pala... happy happy joy joy
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