OMG! I so love it here! We've been kind of touring the city on our own. We’ve even totally conquered the bus routes. Which is not easy, because they have 100 different buses going 100 different ways. We’ve gotten on our share of wrong buses already. But we’re perfectly alright on our own. It’s actually better. Because we can go where we want, when we want to. The other day, we spent the day at the library. Weird, huh? It’s because we’re all into books and they have a HUGE library here. So of course we had to check it out. We’ve also been to the University of Manitoba, ooh I would really love the chance to study there!
Being left on our own has given us a different view of the city and its people.

As I’ve written before, Canadians are really nice people, never afraid to help another. Even the bums are okay. There was this one girl asking me for some change for coffee, she was kind of dirty and her hoodie was torn, but she was really polite, so it kind of threw me off a little. She came up to me with a “Excuse me miss, do you have some extra change for a cup of coffee?” When I told her no, she just said “Okay, thanks” and went away. But then there was another bum who was a bit more weird. We came across him in China town (Why does every place have a china town?), he was talking really fast and really low, also asking for change and if we understood English. Kind of freaked us out so we ignored him and walked really fast out of there. But then several minutes later he was behind us still talking at this rapid speed. Ahhhhh!!!!! When I looked back he was gone, he must’ve entered an alley or something.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that a lot of people here are really obese! And I mean A LOT! It makes me not want to eat fast food anymore. I can’t imagine what it feels like to be that big. How can you let yourself reach that size anyway?! Some of them are so big they even need a cane to help them walk.

We’re leaving next week. None of us want to leave and go back to real life. We just like it so much here. I’ve actually been toying with the idea of staying here. My parents are fine with it. Atleast I think so, because they haven't really said anything to the contrary. How great would that be?! Me, all alone in another country. Hmmm… Thing is it’s going to be a little tricky. I’m on a tourist visa, which I have to convert into a working visa. For that to happen I’ve got to get a job. But of course here, they’ll hire a Canadian before a foreigner. And they’d prefer someone with Canadian credentials right? But I gotta at least try.
Could I do it? Can I leave everything that’s familiar, plus all my friends and family to start a life here?
can you.....?
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