I have so many pics to upload but I can't because of the unreliable wi-fi connection. hehe! we just kind of mooch off what ever signal we can get, so can't really complain.
May 18

...that's how long it took us to get from Vancouver to Winnipeg. Why that long? Well, because we took the train. How cool is that?! We've never traveled by train before, so this was a great first experince. You know how in movies they usually show the characters sitting in little private compartments?(Think Harry Potter) Well turns out they are pretty expensive! So we're in coach. Which isn't at all too bad beause we're right near the dining cart & viewing dome. The scenery was so breath taking.

We saw a lot of snow-capped mountains, long rivers & some of the local animals. We think we even saw a moose at one time but we're not at all too sure beause all we saw was it's butt. And at one point during the trip, while we were having lunch in the dining car, the maitre'd (who we think is Michele from the Gilmore Girls personified,he's got the accent, attitude & tan to go with it. He's just a bit nicer though) started shouting “Look a bear!” Ofcourse by the time we had already turned our heads, it was too late.
We also passed through a lot of little towns,where there would always be people waving at us.
Trains aren't all that reliable though when it comes to being on time. There've been times where we had to slow down or completely stop. At one point we stopped for almost an hour because a train ahead of us stalled & had to be pulled by another engine.
May 20
Been in Vancouver for a day now. It's like we've been in Canada for a long time, but it's only really been a week. It's so weird, everytime I think about our life back in the Philippines, it's like this dream I had that doesn't really exist. And it's slowly fading away. Does that make any sense?

Urgh! my legs hurt! The only mode of transportation we have is our feet, and well I think mine have almost reached their limit. The only thing that keeps me going is the thought that by the time we get back home, all the walking will shed pounds off my weight.....well hopefully.....I am allowed to wish right? Hahaha!